Large Asphalt Patch Road Repair – Farmers Avenue, Boddington

Today we repaired a large patch approximately 20m² in Farmers Avenue, Boddington. As you can see from the before pictures the asphalt at this intersection was well and truly in need of repair. Surprisingly it doesn’t take very long for a seemingly small and insignificant pothole to grow to this size, especially on an intersection that is subject to frequent heavy vehicle traffic.

Thanks to our technicians Pena and Harrison for a job well done and thanks to our friends at Water Corporation for engaging us to complete the work. For information on Water Corporation and the Shire of Boddington please visit their respective websites and Facebook pages. See links below.

Website Links
Water Corporation, Western Australia
Shire of Boddington, Western Australia

Facebook Links
Water Corporation, Western Australia
Shire of Boddington, Western Australia

Before & After

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